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August 22, 2024

The most recent report from Capgemini Research Institute’s data-powered enterprises series highlights the surge in organizations unlocking value from data for business and financial gains.

The report, Data-powered enterprises: The path to data mastery, is based on surveys of 500 data executives and 500 business executives. It found that two-thirds of executives say that their organization now leverages this data for new products or services.

The report also found that while some challenges identified in the 2020 edition of the research persist, they have diminished, and new priorities—such as generative AI—have emerged.

According to the report, 60 percent of organizations have implemented pilots or early proofs of concept (PoCs) for generative AI initiatives using their enterprise data. However, 75% of organizations say that large-scale deployment of generative AI PoCs is a significant challenge.

Data-powered enterprises The path to data mastery also examines organizational readiness to incorporate generative AI into their processes. Only 40% of data executives believe their organizations are mature enough on non-technical foundations (such as culture, ethical guardrails, governance mechanisms, legal and regulatory frameworks) to harness generative AI. In contrast, over half (56%) consider themselves mature on technical foundations (data, technology, infrastructure, and technical skills).

The path to becoming a data-powered enterprise has become more demanding as the range of data use cases continues to expand. To find out more, download the full report.


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